Kebisoni Sacco

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30 Am - 4 Pm Sat: 8:30 Am - 12:00 Pm


(256) 775 577 148

Welcome to Kebisoni Sacco

Kebisoni Sacco was established as a savings and credit cooperative society in 2001 by the community around Kebisoni Trading centre as registered cooperative society (Reg. No. 6397)
It was registered to provide financial services to its members and its fully affiliated to Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) , Uganda Cooeprative Savings credit Union (UCSCU) and Uganda Central Cooperative financial services (UCCFS)

Years in Service
Happy Clients

Core Values

To enable us achieve our vision, mission and strategic objectives we passionately observe a set of core values to guide our operations. These include:


A prosperous membership served by a reliable and sustainable sacco


Providing members savings needs and affordable quality credit facilities by 2025.

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How to transact using MSACCO.

How to transact using MSACCO.

MSACCO enables customers access, assess and choose the most appropriate and affordable financial services. They are able to grow personal savings, access affordable credit, and…

Kebisoni SACCO: A Trailblazer in Financial Inclusion

Kebisoni SACCO: A Trailblazer in Financial Inclusion

In the pursuit of financial inclusion, Kebisoni SACCO has emerged as a trailblazer, redefining the landscape of community-centric banking. Today, we proudly share some of…

Building Bridges to Prosperity: Kebisoni SACCO’s Noteworthy Achievements

Building Bridges to Prosperity: Kebisoni SACCO’s Noteworthy Achievements

In the realm of financial institutions, Kebisoni SACCO stands tall as a catalyst for positive change. Today, we are excited to share some of our…

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