Kebisoni Sacco

Working Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30 Am - 4 Pm Sat: 8:30 Am - 12:00 Pm


(256) 775 577 148

Our Background


Kebisoni Sacco was established as a savings and credit cooperative society in 2001 by the community around Kebisoni Trading centre as registered cooperative society (Reg. No. 6397)
It was registered to provide financial services to its members and its fully affiliated to Uganda Cooperative Alliance (UCA) , Uganda Cooeprative Savings credit Union (UCSCU) and Uganda Central Cooperative financial services (UCCFS)

Vision Statement: A prosperous membership serviced by a reliable and sustainable SACCO.
Mission Statement:  Providing members savings needs and affordable quality credit facilities by 2025.

Overall Objective

The overall objective is to encourage, mobilize resources through Savings mobilization at competitive interest rates, purchase of shares and solicit for grants & donations both Locally, Nationally & Internationally so as to provide its members and the community at large opportunities to access funds to capitalize their Investment.
This will be carried out in a manner that shall sustain Kebisoni SACCO as well as its members.

Our Core Values

  1. Team Work
  2. Focused Leadership
  3. Professionalism
  4. Transparency & accountability
  5. Integrity

Services Offered

  • Credit/Loan facilities.
  • Savings Accounts
  • Mobile Money services
  • Community financial Literacy trainings
  • School fees collection accounts
  • Stanbic and Centenary Agency Services
  • Mobile Banking Services (MSACCO)